

A Solo Exhibition 
May 2007


"Balloon Ovary Dream"
screenprint 2006
20" x 25"

"Watching Ovary From the Other Side"
screenprint 2006
30" x 25"

"Ovarian Design"
screenprint 2006
"20 x 20"

"Ovary Carousel"
screenprint 2006
7" x 10"

"Watching Ovary From the Other Other Side"
screenprint 2006
30" x 25"


"Contrapdevice # 23: Fertile Ground"
metal, cotton string, paper, breadbox, paint 2007

"Contrapdevice # 45: Bird Tree"
metal, paper, feathers, sticks 2007

"Contrapdevice # 37: Bird Bride"
metal, paper, ribbons, tulle 2007

"Contrapdevice # 55: Cicada Cycle"
Lamp parts, vinyl, glass tubes, sticks, cicada casings, ribbon 2007

Detail of above

"Contrapdevice #73: Egg Offering"
side table, cloth, ribbon, glass tubing, paper, sticks, bowl 2007

Detail of above


Me and You and All Those Walls

"Me and You and All Those Walls", sculpture and video installation, 
Acquire Arts Gallery and Concourse Gallery, April 2011

The walls were thick in this landscape.  The skin on our hands together produce a partly supernatural event. 
I am wholly convinced the theater of our connection, the pleasures and griefs, burn a strange and magnificent mark on our hearts. When we are really awake, this art follows the fluidity of life. 
These things we have are all good here, you and I. The walls are becoming thin.

Postcards and Flyers

 Event postcards and flyers for Lexington Shambhala Meditation Center 

Logos and Design

Album covers for Alex MacLeod


"Braille: Touch Me, Don't Touch Me", collaborative installation with Hannah Ross, Concourse Gallery, January 2011

Green Week Project

"Free Shop", Concourse Gallery, February 2011