
The Requisite Obstacle

The Requisite Obstacle
July 2014
Dragon King's Daughter
Louisville, KY

The  Cloth
19 x 24
watercolor, ink

The Storm
19 x 24
watercolor, tape, pencil, cork

The  Window 
19 x 24
tape, watercolor, pencil, ink

The Birds
19 x 24
tape, pencil, ink, card

The Scarf
12 x 18
watercolor, ink

The Architect
8 x 10
pencil, acrylic, black paper

The Insects
12 x 18
watercolor, ink

The Leaves
8 x 8
watercolor, pencil

The Fight
12 x 18
watercolor, ink

The Cloud
12 x 18
watercolor, graphite

The Mountain
8 x 8